Friday, July 22, 2011

Slapping Life in the Face

  My sister called me a few days ago to tell me that the wife of a family friend had committed suicide. I've since realized that I'm probably not a good person to talk to immediately after a tragedy such as this, at least not when the pain from the wounds are still oozing from the humans left behind who are picking up the pieces. I'm not a great person to talk to because of my vantage point of Knowing without any doubt that we are eternal beings (having experienced our eternal existence dozens of times myself). My mindset that even those left behind have much to gain from such adversity doesn't go over well with raw emotions and wounds.

Even still, I'm human with my own raw emotions and it is the 14yr old son she left behind that my heart aches for the most. Tragic and sad, yes! But again, his mother is still alive on the other side. When they eventually see each other on the other side it will have been but a moment since they were together and when you look at the timeline of our eternal selves it was no time at all. (Eternity is super long! no disrespect intended) Until then, he has the opportunity here on Earth to gain great strength from this experience if he chooses to.

For me personally, although I still go through the standard stages of grief (denial, anger, grief etc) when something like this happens, I do it rather quickly and end up with the bigger picture conclusion. The conclusion: that everything happens for a reason and even in the case of someone taking their own life we have to shift into an acceptance of that person. In this case, sending the wife our love, compassion and understanding that she was in so much pain that she couldn't cope in her own skin. Yearning for that relief she ended it. I may want to judge her to the point of feeling like it's a slap in the face of God, but I don't think God does. Although our Creator must be a tiny bit disappointed that she threw away this gift of creation that came from Him. He'll probably slap her on the wrist and suggest that she come back and try again. (That's symbolic of the energy of her reprimand, since I see God as the Energy that makes up everything opposed to an actual person, unless He chooses to materialize that way)

In my opinion, suicide is one of the most damaging things one can do for soul growth, even worse than being the murderer of another human. Souls who actually carry it through and end their life, or had some part in their own physical death such as lesser offenses like drunk driving, must take responsibility that they had a hand in their own physical death. Of course, its all relative in everything we do anymore.

But doing it and thinking about doing it are two different things entirely. For those who have contemplated suicide: that has NOWHERE NEAR the same energy of disrespect for the human experience. Its a thought that is not fulfilled. HUGE difference. Its a call for help to deal with your pain. Even an attempt at suicide is not actually completing the act and therefore still not on the same level.

But let me add: you are a brave soul to have come into this life to deal with so much. But think about this- you wanted this. You agreed to "go for it" and gain tremendous growth during this lifetime. So, buck up and get  'er done!

I have never contemplated suicide, so it's hard to be in the shoes of people who have. But people who contemplate "ending it" - but don't ever follow through - are looking for solutions to their pain. I look for solutions to my pain too. So, from that I can speak.

If you trace your pain back far enough you will find that it has to do with the separation anxiety you have of feeling whole. It's as if something is missing and you don't know what it is. That empty feeling will be filled when you are in the vibration vicinity of the energy that makes you whole / the place from which you came. Its a place that feels like the purest of pure energy of love, joy and happiness. (Granted these are just words that we have made up in our world which somewhat match the quality of this vibration I speak of and are the closest to describing who your soul truly is) That pure love, joy and happiness is where you came from and that's why it's so painful to be apart from it in this "hell".

Just for the sake of simplifying the term "Pure Love, Joy, Happiness"- lets shorten it to the word God.

The good news is that God is here too!

While you are here, start with seeking within to the point that you appreciate that this is a great opportunity and the pain you have today is but a moment on the timeline of your existence. Raise your vibration to a manageable place through finding appreciate and gratitude wherever you can. Pain is a wonderful thing when you embrace it-stop resisting it- for when you learn to love your pain it puts you in a receptive mode to allow your innate state of Enlightenment/Love/Joy/Happiness to enter and it taps into your greatest opportunities in life. It will give you tremendous growth! I promise you - that is what you wanted!

So release the shame and guilt you have about the past. Embrace your power and look with enthusiasm toward the future from the perspective of your eternal soul with the attitude of  "I chose to deal with this now!"

Reach for Peace,
Patti Zarn

Friday, June 24, 2011

Q&A 1 The Most Asked Question

Q&A with author of MAINSTREAM MYSTIC - Patti Zarn

"Are you going to write another book?"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Q&A Author Patti Zarn. Travel and Dimensions

Q&A Author Patti Zarn answers reader questions from her book MAINSTREAM MYSTIC. Traveling, the boys and dimensions. Read the INTRODUCTION for free.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Update from a story told in MAINSTREAM MYSTIC. This is surrounding synchronicities with the book Celestine Prophecy that are surfacing again in my life and the lives of my friends.

Here we are seven years later (and its not done manifesting yet!) SO, the point is to show the viewer that things happen for a reason - even when it may not be clear at the time.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Future: According to Me

People, who are in the age range of 35-70 years old, are witness to both a life with the electronic-age and a childhood of growing up without it.  It was a huge leap from one way of life to the other. It didn't seem that way perhaps, but think of all the ways your life would be affected without the new technology.

I was reminded this week (through a series of synchronicities) just how inter-connected our current Information-Age is to our evolution as a planet and what a possible pole shift could do to change how that "looks" to us in our everyday lives.

My son came home from school this past week with a trunk full of books that he got from the school library. He informed me, rather matter-of-factly, that the school had no need for books any longer since "no one uses them anyway."  (The library staff will still be in place because the library will be used for the digital media, research computers and study period.)

This news was hard to swallow. A library with no books! What has the world come to? Well, it's the sign of the times. Life and business' everywhere (notably schools, bookstores and libraries) have all been affected by the Internet.

A few weeks ago, I wrote about my great-grandfather's war letters that I will be compiling into book form to preserve. My children will have no such tangible records for their great-grandchildren to hold. Letters are a lost historical art. The headline this morning (another synchronicity that affirmed my direction with this blog post) read that schools will be taking penmanship out of the curriculum, teaching typing instead.

It became clear to me that part of the Shift is indeed connected by this age of information. It's the catalyst for the consciousness shift /effect that will occur afterward.

We've all heard it said that it's an exciting time to be alive. Heck, I've said it!

"Exciting" in the bigger evolutionary picture. We will be making history because we are living at the time when the Mayan calendar is coming to an end (Dec. 21, 2012) which is believed to mark the end of an era and a time of accelerated human evolution. Also a time where speculation of the end-of-times is upon us.

My opinion? No, it won't be the end of the world, however; the earth changes that are coming will turn it upside down. But, that's the exciting part! It's the perfect time to do so because right now - we still have those of us that know life without all of that technology. We are still here to help rebuild the "old-fashion" way AND we have all the new generation to rebuild the "new-fashion" technology (if it were to happen too far in the future then the old ways would have been lost.)

What will happen if we have a pole shift and we lose all this communication technology? (Scientist say we are due a pole shift, historically speaking.) If the earth's magnetic poles switch they will fry all modern equipment. When electronic equipment burns out, we will have to go back to the basics -which our generation knows how to do. We will have to start over and rebuild all the wires to accommodate the electromagnetic switch - which the new generation created and works on everyday. If a major earth change happens, it will take years to fully come back to the point that we are at presently. Maybe taking a decade to do so.

 The pulse of EMS's will surge everything, including us. We have EM particles within us too. And I speculate, that the surge will enhance our conscious awareness.

Before our awareness expands, physically our endocrine system will be taxed. The electromagnetic fields (EMF) will temporarily suppress the activity of the pineal gland (third eye or seat of the soul) and our circadian rhythms will be disrupted, throwing off the pathway from the retinas to the hypothalamus. I'm currently researching to show how our HPA axis (hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenals) fits into that. Perhaps, when the EM poles reverse it will provide an open window, through the pineal, for humans to peek into higher dimensions beyond the veil. In the interim - diet, vitamins and supplements can help to keep us balanced as our bodies adjust.

I've heard it say that the new age is that of the feminine energy, or Goddess power, since we've currently been in a masculine era. But, I feel the Goddess era was before this current one and NOW we are coming into a more balanced time where both qualities will make for an even more powerful expression of our innate spiritual qualities and connection to our Creator. This is how our Rainbow Bridge will connect, making our direct connection with Source more attainable; our own innate Divine Internet connection. Free access 24/7 to all knowledge and grace.

What is the Internet? A web of information which is eerily similar to how science has described the creative energy of the Universe. Information and Knowledge is literally in the air. The creative energy that made this Universe is what I like to think of as God's Mind and His Thoughts. The mind of God is also the macrocosm of our own consciousness. So, if God's Mind is what we tap into to create our reality then after the pole shift, a balance of energy qualities (yin/yang), and the low quantity of EM's at the time, will raise (or trigger) our consciousness. Potentially opening our higher senses to realms we had previously had a veil over.

Now, if all the content in this post is "crazy talk" to you, I get it. Not that long ago, I wouldn't have wanted to think about it either. It doesn't matter, because if it happens (check the solar flare and weather statistics) you'll adjust and be just fine. I'm not worried about you. ;-))

But for me: I hope I'm right, I'm excited and will welcome the change. It's a great time to be alive!

Reach for Peace,
Patti Zarn
author of Mainstream Mystic